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influencing elections cannot be its primary purpose.Beware. He needs to get used to saying no to his friends.” Reinsdorf said.”TERRIFIC MEMORYWhite Sox board chairman Jerry Reinsdorf was reminiscing about that infamous day in 1984 when the Mets left Tom Seaver unprotected in the free-agent compensation pool draft and the Chisox selected him.” set back on April 20 at Fenway Park ? it was a clutch two-out single by Jayson Nix that put the Bombers ahead for good in the seventh. the campaign team,Panthers by 2? 45HANK’S HONEYS: The Patriots are another one of those teams that don’t play as well on the road and unless they bring their A-Game they are going to be in trouble against one of the NFL’s top defenses The Pats’ offensive line struggled at the Bengals and Jets against similar defensive fronts One might wonder if the Panthers are ready for a game this big but they answered that question last week Cam Newton called last week’s win over the Niners a “maturity jump” for the Panthers After a string of...
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2006| 010203040506070809101112

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